Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 6 Sew and Tell

My little Sis just found out that she is having twin boys! So I whipped up this NB set for her. I may redo the embroidery since I'm not really happy with it, but I think they turned out cute.


  1. Very sweet, and I bet these are even itty-bittier than they look!
    Has anyone successfully downsized a sienna or hoodie to a 6 month size? I'd like to make a dress for a baby who is about 14 pounds.

  2. Wow! Twins! I love that you made them a little different and not an exact match.

    Lisa- I think it would work to just cut off 1/2 inch all the way around the pattern to size it down

  3. Thank you. My sister has already said that she doesn't want the boys to be too matchy matchy, but she'd love them to coordinate. I started with the 6-12 month Sienna and cut about 1/2" off the side, like Felicia suggested, and about an inch off of the bottom.
